
AT&T Email Stops working in Outlook - Important Info!


AT&T is changing email security to Oauth2 or Secure Key with bellsouth.net accounts. Your Outlook may be affected........

AT&T announced earlier in the year (2018) that it was moving to new security requirements for att.net, bellsouth.net and other email addresses associated with AT&T accounts. So if your bellsouth.net or other email from AT&T stops working that may be the reason. So if you get this AT&T Email popup, and your email stops working in Outlook, call IT Larry for help!!

Windows 10 Updates - Important Info!

Windows 10 - now 3 years old. It's here to stay!

Here is some info you should know:

Now that Windows 10 is the defacto Microsoft operating system, AND there won't be an 11,12, etc. there are some things you need to know about going forward. If you are not running Windows 10 yet, that's okay as long as you are satisfied with your present computer. Window is still supported until 2022. Unfortunately, Windows 7 on a new laptop is not being offered by Dell anymore that I could find. There are other places you can look.

Read IT Larry's new article on Windows 10 versions and what can be done to control the Windows 10 update process.

Don't follow these instructions!!


Ransomware is all over the Internet.....

DO NOT CALL OR "CLICK!! Call IT Larry @ 678-508-9008
For remote help.

Don't wait. Call and get remote help NOW if anything pops up on your screen you cannot get rid of!

Your Company on the Web!

So how is your Website looking today?
  • Is it modern??
  • Does it look good?
  • Can I see it on my phone?
  • Does it S-C-A-L-E ?
IT Larry may be able to help.

Check out some examples

Backup your Data - What's Best??


What's the best backup? Its the 3-2-1 Rule!

Read the blog article to find out more......
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