
Windows 10 - now close to 4 years old. It's here to stay!

Here is some info you should know:

Now that Windows 10 is the Microsoft computer operating system, AND there won't be an 11,12, etc. there are some things you need to know about going forward.

If you are not running Windows 10 yet, then you need to know that Windows 7 is pretty much only available on refurbished and pre-owned computers. Microsoft is not selling it any more, and buying a new computer with Windows 7 on it is no longer an option.

If you ARE running Windows 10, you may want to slow down the update process. Microsoft is continuing with a schedule for new Feature Updates. You can see their Feature Update schedule here:
Feature Updates
If you want to control the UPDATE process, slow it down, etc. you can call IT Larry at 678-508-9008 and have him configure your Windows 10 computer.
Depending on which version you have, there are different options to control Windows 10 updates. Windows 10 Pro has more controls than Windows 10 Home.
For an article on how to do it yourself, here is a link:

Don't follow these instructions!!


Ransomware is all over the Internet.....

DO NOT CALL OR "CLICK!! Call IT Larry @ 678-508-9008
For remote help.

Don't wait. Call and get remote help NOW if anything pops up on your screen you cannot get rid of!

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